
Easy With Your Global Exhibitions

Hawk Display offers 17 series of over 250 products, including their flagship product, Exhilite, an aluminum tube frame system that provides a complete line of trade show displays with numerous design models. Exhilite offers configuration flexibility with multifaceted components that facilitate different combinations for future expansion. Washable tension fabric graphics wrap over the frame structure to express a perfect display in trade shows.

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Hawk Display also provides custom-made display systems to suit customers' needs

Supported by their highly-creative design team and imported 3-D bending machine and high-precision digital printer (D.gen from Korea).

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Struggling to put together an exceptional trade show display? Overwhelmed by the difficult exhibit process?
The Hawk team can make your exhibit experience easy.Click the button or give us a call today.

    Hawk has been offering high-quality portable displays, tube systems, lightbox, ez booth, and truss systems for more than two decades, helping businesses, individuals, and nonprofits make a great impression at trade shows and promotional events globally.

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The Hawk team can make your exhibit experience easy.Click the button or give us a call today.
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